
UNH campus with flowers

New Hampshire prizes independent thinkers (our state motto is “Live Free or Die”), local initiatives and global vision. It’s small enough that you can easily build a network, find a community and make a difference. But it also feels vast and inspiring and endlessly surprising. Much like UNH.

NH Impact

  • National Guard

    UNH has been aiding NH members of the military since 1997.

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  • Student Interns

    Global financial giant draws on UNH to recruit career professionals.

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  • Owner of Highway View Farm
  • Kiwi farming in New Hampshire

    Working to develop kiwis into a new high-value crop for New England farmers.

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  • image of presenters at STEM Education Summit

    Teachers Gather for Second Annual STEM Educators Summit.

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  • Community garden

    UNH Cooperative Extension

    UNH Cooperative Extension brings information and education into the communities of the Granite State to make New Hampshire’s citizens, businesses and communities thrive and its natural resources healthy and productive. For 100 years, our specialists have been tailoring contemporary, practical education to regional needs, creating a well-informed citizenry while strengthening key economic sectors.